Featured Store

Oak Hall


Since the founding in 1859, Oak Hall has offered the highest quality apparel with uncompromising service.

Today we offer the finest fashions for men and women from around the world. We feature Ermenegildo Zegna, Canali, and St. John all exclusive in our market in a warm, inviting atmosphere.

We feel that it is our people who truly make the difference, whether it is our knowledgeable sales staff, friendly customer service representatives or our expert tailors. They are all focused on making your experience at Oak Hall the best it can be.

To all of our friends and customers, we welcome you to browse through our site to see what is going on at Oak Hall this season, and to those of you who have not visited us, use the site to get acquainted with our store. Please come see us soon to give us a chance to exceed your expectations.


6150 Poplar Ave, Suite 146
Memphis Tennessee
United States, 38119


Monday – Saturday 10am-6pm
Thursday 10am-7pm


Regalia Location: 901-761-3580
Online: 1-844-OAK-HALL (625-4255)
Nashville: 1-615-454-6497



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